K. Bhattacharya, L. Cao, G. Stepaniants, A. Stuart, M. Trautner; Learning Memory and Material Dependent Constitutive Laws
R. Baptista, A. Dasgupta, N. B. Kovachki, A. Oberai, A. M. Stuart; Memorization and Regularization in Generative Diffusion Models
E. Bach, R. Baptista, D. Sanz-Alonso, A. Stuart; Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation: A Machine Learning Approach
E. Calvello, P. Monmarché, A. M. Stuart, U. Vaes; Accuracy of the Ensemble Kalman Filter in the Near-Linear Setting
J. Bunker, M. Girolami, H. Lambley, A. M. Stuart, T. J. Sullivan; Autoencoders in Function Space
Y. Chen, D. Z. Huang, J. Huang, S. Reich, A. M. Stuart; Efficient, Multimodal, and Derivative-Free Bayesian Inference With Fisher-Rao Gradient Flows
M. Sirlanci, G. Hripcsak, C. C. L. Wang, J. N. Stroh, Y. Wang, T. D. Bennett, A. M. Stuart, D. J. Albers; A Stochastic Model-Based Control Methodology for Glycemic Management in the Intensive Care Unit
E. Calvello, N. B. Kovachki, M. E. Levine, A. M. Stuart; Continuum Attention for Neural Operators
O. D. Akyildiz, M. Girolami, A. M. Stuart, A. Vadeboncoeur; Efficient Prior Calibration From Indirect Data
S. Lanthaler, A. M. Stuart, M. Trautner; Discretization Error of Fourier Neural Operators
Y. Chen, B. Hosseini, H. Owhadi, A. M. Stuart; Gaussian Measures Conditioned on Nonlinear Observations: Consistency, MAP Estimators, and Simulation
J. A. Carrillo, F. Hoffmann, A. M. Stuart, U. Vaes; Statistical Accuracy of Approximate Filtering Methods
J. Parres-Gold, M. Levine, B. Emert, A. Stuart, M. Elowitz; Principles of Computation by Competitive Protein Dimerization Networks
S. Lanthaler, A. M. Stuart; The Curse of Dimensionality in Operator Learning
S. Lanthaler, Z. Li, A. M. Stuart; The Nonlocal Neural Operator: Universal Approximation
Y. Chen, D. Zhengyu Huang, J. Huang, S. Reich, A. M. Stuart; Gradient Flows for Sampling: Mean-Field Models, Gaussian Approximations and Affine Invariance
T. Helin, A. Stuart, A. Teckentrup, K. Zygalakis; Introduction To Gaussian Process Regression In Bayesian Inverse Problems, With New Results On Experimental Design For Weighted Error Measures
Z. Liu, A. M. Stuart, Y. Wang; Second Order Ensemble Langevin Method for Sampling and Inverse Problems
V. Chen, M. M. Dunlop, O. Papaspiliopoulos, A. M. Stuart; Robust MCMC Sampling with Non-Gaussian and Hierarchical Priors in High Dimensions